Our Code of Conduct
becos GmbH is in the MES market for over 30 years.
Sustainability and social integrity are firmly anchored in our corporate culture alongside the economic goals we pursue.
We are aware of our responsibility towards our customers, employees, suppliers, business partners and society as a whole and stand for fair and respectful cooperation.
The following Code of Conduct is a self-commitment in dealing with all stakeholders of our company and at the same time serves internal as well as external orientation in dealing with our organization. What we offer our environment, we expect in the same way from our environment.
1. Scope of application
The Code of Conduct is binding for our entire company.
2. Principles of conduct
2.1 Integrity
Ethics and Law
We stand for compliance with the legal system of our country. We are guided by the generally applicable system of values and are clearly committed to compliance with ethical norms, social values and rectitude as a sign of our integrity.
Our appearance
We treat everyone with respect and tolerance.
Our employees represent and influence the public image of our company. We ensure that our employees always treat our business partners in a friendly, courteous and service-oriented manner.
Dealing with business secrets
We treat internal information about our company, strategies, goals or activities that are not intended for the public as confidential.
Trust is the basis of cooperation with our business partners.
We treat information from our business partners and business relationships with equal responsibility. We do not pass on any information about initiation, cooperation or existing contractual relationships to third parties without the consent of our business partners or make such information accessible to the public.
These principles apply beyond the time of termination of employment relationships with employees or beyond the time of termination of projects and business relationships.
2.2 Our employees
Equal treatment
We disapprove of any discrimination against employees based on their ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.
We do not tolerate discrimination in the course of employment in our company. Every applicant has the same opportunities. Applicants are selected on the basis of objective criteria for the vacant position in question.
We take indications of such discrimination seriously and will pursue them until they are fully clarified.
Violence and harassment
We do not tolerate any kind of physical, psychological or sexual violence and reject any kind of harassment.
Freedom of expression
Every employee has the right to express his or her opinion openly and freely.
2.3 Employment health and safety
We are aware of our duty of care for our employees. We stand for compliance with statutory occupational health and safety regulations and organize our work in accordance with the principles of prevention and ergonomics.
All employees are obliged to support us in the implementation of occupational health and safety measures.
Working hours
Wir respektieren die Vorgaben der Arbeitszeitgesetze und achten auf die Einhaltung von Höchstarbeitszeiten, Ruhe- und Pausenzeiten. Mehrarbeit erfolgt stets auf Basis der Freiwilligkeit.
2.4 Remuneration
We stand for compliance with the minimum wage requirements. In addition, we advocate fair remuneration within the bounds of our possibilities. We disapprove of any form of exploitation of employees. We expect the same from our business partners.
2.5 Corruption
We reject all forms of corruption. We avoid situations in which we place our own interests against the interests of the company by accepting or granting advantages. We do not bribe and we do not accept bribes and we advocate fair and undistorted competition. Any evidence of bribery must be reported immediately to management.
In order to avoid conflicts of interest, we strictly refuse to give or accept inappropriate gifts or gratuities.
2.6 Antitrust law
We stand for fair competition. We dissociate ourselves from price agreements, the agreement of conditions and areas and respect the competition regulating laws. We also expect this from our business partners and competitors. Not least out of our own interest, we do not tolerate any competition-distorting activities in our environment.
2.7 Privacy Policy
We respect the protection of personal data according to the legal requirements. We do not store any data that is not legitimized by law. Data is only stored for reasons of contractual fulfilment.
We disapprove of any kind of misuse of data by our employees or by external persons. We take care to ensure the best possible data security with regard to accessibility and access to data.
2.8 Environmental protection
We stand for a responsible approach to our environment. We also avoid any pollution of the environment. We are always working on our energy awareness and align our business premises, vehicle fleet and machinery with the latest energy technology in new and replacement purchases.
2.9 Protection of company assets
We require our employees to deal responsibly with the assets of our company. Every employee is responsible for the protection of assets through honest and careful handling. The embezzlement of assets of the company is sanctioned by appropriate measures.
3. Application and infringements of rules
Every employee is responsible for adhering to the principles of conduct within the framework of our compliance. Only together can it be achieved that an ethically and integer oriented corporate culture can be supported by all employees.