Manufacturing Execution System
Only those who know all the facts can decide optimally.
The highly efficient and flexible becosEPS (Enterprise Planning System) includes all becos software products in the area of production planning and control.
becosEPS modules are based on the core technology, which ensures a seamless integration of the individual modules into an overall system as well as into the customer's existing IT environment. The modules can be used individually or in combination.
The flexibility and adaptability of becosEPS when visualizing business processes and adapting graphical user interfaces and workflows is key to success.
becosEPS is available for the most common platforms and has an interface to integrate the users expertise. Adjustments and enhancements can be implemented efficiently without losing release capability
All marketable standard software modules with their own object model (e.g. SAP) as well as previous proprietary systems can be connected to becosEPS with simple methods.